Musical Storage: 4 Tips to Help You Keep Your Guitar Safe
Whether you are going on an extended trip, moving to a college dorm room, or simply don't have enough room, storage units can be a lifesaver when it comes to storing some of your personal belongings. However, you have to be careful how you store things, as certain items require special treatment. This is the case with your guitar. If you plan on storing your guitar for a long period of time, here are four tips to make sure you follow to keep your guitar safe and in good condition:
1. Purchase and Use a Quality Case
If your guitar doesn't already have a good case, make sure to splurge on one before you store it. A guitar case can help protect the guitar from accumulating scratches while in storage. In addition, it will avoid exposure to dust, which can do a nasty job on the color and finish of your guitar as well as damage to interior components.
2. Maintain Proper Temperature & Humidity Levels
Extreme temperatures are not good on a guitar, especially extreme heat. Ideally, guitars should be stored in a space that maintains a temperature that is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, guitars should never be stored in a room that is below 45 percent relative humidity or above 55 percent. Otherwise, the guitar could crack or swell and buckle, depending on the humidity levels. While this all sounds difficult, it isn't. All you need is a climate-controlled storage unit. These units are the perfect way to make sure that the temperature and humidity levels remain constant and within appropriate range.
3. Remove Some Tension from the Guitar Strings
While you don't want to loosen the string completely or remove them, it is recommended that you loosen your guitar strings by at least half a step and no more than a whole step. If you fail to do so, when you remove your guitar from storage, you may find that the neck has a backbow, which is difficult—if not impossible—to remedy. If you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, you can take it to a reputable guitar technician or local guitar shop that can adjust the tension on the strings for you.
4. Check in on it Often
When you store your guitar for a significant period of time, you'll want to check in on the instrument periodically to ensure everything is good. This is also a good time to play it for a little bit.
To learn about other ways to properly store your guitar and other valuables, contact services like Foothills Storage.